Akash is a Project Scientist by profession, Astronomer by passion, and Geek by interest. He has over five years of research experience in data analysis and python programming. Presently,
He is a team member of the Winter Fog Experiment (WiFEx) [Link ] at the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM), Pune, and
Realtime Ambient Source Apportionment of Gases and Aerosol for Mitigation (RASAGAM) project funded by the Ministry of Earth Science (MoES), Government of India. He handles and manage the massive data collected from atmospheric instruments. He is studying ambient aerosol characteristics using an Aerosol Mass Spectrometer.
If you catch him outside of work, He is an adventurous traveler and trekker - 12 fords and counting - and an avid lover of chess and badminton!
Scientific Careers
Project Scientist-I, Dec 2024 - Present
Program Coordinator, Jan 2024 - Nov 2024
Project Assistant, Dec 2019 - Jan 2024
Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune
Winter Fog Experiment (WiFEx) Research Group
Supervisor: Dr Sachin Ghude
- Data collection and handling of atmospheric instruments viz. Aerosol Mass Spectrometer, MARGA, Visibility meter, CCN counter
- Participated in the field campaign of the Winter Fog Experiment (WiFEx) and RASGAM project
- Studying physio-chemical characteristics of aerosol particles through mass spectrometry to understand the atmospheric chemistry near the Pune and Delhi region
Teaching Careers
Teacher – Physics and Electronics, BVB’s Muktangan Exploratory Science Center, Pune
Oct - Dec 2018
- Taught various physics practicals for High-school students
- Conducted workshop on spectrometry for state-level students
- Carried out different curriculum activities such as science hobby projects etc
Academic Records
M.Sc., Physics, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, India
Dissertation title: The Relation between Star Formation and AGN Activity in Early-Type Galaxy Groups
Advisors: Dr Sravani Vaddi and Prof Amishi Rindani
2016 - 2018
- Conducted an observational study of star formation and AGN activity using multi-wavelength analysis
- Used python programming skills to plot the graph and data analysis
- Studied the effect of AGN feedback in selected Complete Local volume Galaxy Group sample(CLoGs)
B.Sc., Physics, Fergusson College, Pune, India
Dissertation title: Measurement of Solar Limb Darkening Effect Using CMOS
Advisors: Dr R.V. Dabhade
2013 - 2016
- Studied the Solar Limb Darkening effect using a CMOS sensor
- Designed and fabricated a low-cost instrument to study the solar limb darkening effect
- Performed statistical analysis on data sets using excel and adobe Photoshop
- Worked in Linux and Windows operating systems
- Programming Experience:
- C Programming: Coding mathematical methods such as Runge Kutta Methods, Simpsons Methods
- Python: Data analysis and graph plotting using Matplotlib, NumPy, Pandas, and Astropy
- Basic Shell Scripting
- Knowledge of Multi-wavelength analysis using archival observations in the UV, IR, and radio
- Worked on High-Performance Computing (HPC) and perform Weather Research Forecasting Model (WRF Model)
- Data collection from atmospheric instruments viz. Aerosol Mass Spectrometer, CCN counter, Thermodenuader, MARGA
- Data analysis from tools such as Igor Pro, SQUIRREL, PIKA, Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF), HYSPLIT, Origin Pro etc
- RGB extraction with the help of RGB extractor, adobe photoshop
- MS Office: MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
- Sachin D. Ghude
, R. K. Jenamani
, Rachana Kulkarni
, Sandeep Wagh
, Narendra G. Dhangar
, Avinash N. Parde
, Prodip Acharja
, Prasanna Lonkar
, Gaurav Govardhan
, Prafull Yadav
, Akash Vispute
, Sreyashi Debnath
, D. M. Lal
, D. S. Bisht
, Chinmay Jena
, Pooja V. Pawar
, Surendra S. Dhankhar
, V. Sinha
, D. M. Chate
, P. D. Safai
, N. Nigam
, Mahen Konwar
, Anupam Hazra
, T. Dharmaraj
, V. Gopalkrishnan
, B. Padmakumari
, Ismail Gultepe
, Mrinal Biswas
, A. K. Karipot
, Thara Prabhakaran
, Ravi S. Nanjundiah
, and M. Rajeevan WiFEX: Walk into the warm fog over Indo Gangetic Plain region BAMS (2023) [Link ]
- Nivdange Sandip, Chinmay Jena, Pooja Pawar, Gaurav Govardhan, Sreyashi Debnath, Santosh Kulkarni, Prasanna Lonkar, Akash Vispute , Narendra Dhangar, Avinash N. Parde, Prodip Acharja, Vinod Kumar, Prafull Yadav, Rachana Kulkarni, Manoj Khare, N. R. Karmalkar Nationwide CoViD-19 lockdown impact on air quality in India MAUSAM 73.1 (2022): 115-128, (2022) [Link ]
- Prodip Acharja, Akash Vispute , Sreyashi Debnath, Narendra G. Dhangar, Prasanna Lonkar, Kaushar Ali, Sachin D. Ghude Size-resolved Compositional Analysis and Source Apportionment of Submicron Aerosol during Lockdown Period using HR-ToF-AMS (2022) [Link ]
- Sreyashi Debnath, Rama Krishna Karumuri, Gaurav Govardhan, Rajmal Jat, Himadri Saini, Akash Vispute , Santosh H. Kulkarni, Chinmay Jena, Rajesh Kumar, D.M. Chate, Sachin D. Ghude Implications of implementing promulgated and prospective emission regulations on air quality and health in India during 2030 Aerosol and Air Quality Research (2022) [Link ]
Conference Attended
- National Seminar on IPR Dimensions in Electronics and IT Department of Electronics Science, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, Aug 2019
- International Conference on Astrobiology Modern College of Arts, Science, and Commerce, Shivajinagar, Pune with Blue Marble Space Institute of Science, Seattle, USA, Dec 2018
- Characterization Techniques in Materials Annasaheb Magar College, Pune, Feb 2017
Workshops and Activities
- Participated in the Three Days Indo-US Online Workshop on Recent Advances in AI & ML for Climate Sciences organized by the Technology Innovation Hub (TIH), Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), Kolkata, in association with IEEE GRSS Kolkata Chapter, 2021
- Participated in the High-Performance Computing for Astrophysics and Astronomy Workshop organized by the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur, 2021
- Participated in the RAD@home Astronomy Workshop held under AstraX 2021 organized by IIT-Mandi, 2021
- Participated in the India International Science Festival 2020 (IISF 2020) organized by Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Earth Sciences, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare; Government of India under “Clean Air” event, 2020
- Attended the three-day virtual workshop entitled “Search before Research” organized by Fergusson College (Autonomous), Pune, 2020
- Completed Speakfast Upper Basic and Intermediate level English Language Course conducted by ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING INSTITUTE OF SYMBIOSIS (ELTIS), 2018
- Participated in Drama in the Annual Gathering event of Modern College, Pune, 2017
- Participated in the Essay Writing Competition organized by the Indian Association of Physics Teachers (IAPT) under the topic of “Development of Space Technology in India”, 2017
- Co-Founder of “Nevolution - Physics Club,” PES Modern College, Pune, 2016
- An active member of “Astro Club,” Fergusson College, Pune
- Atmospheric Science: Atmospheric Physics and Chemistry, Aerosol Chemistry, Physio-chemical characteristics of Aerosol particles, Climate Modelling, Air quality, and Air pollution study Data Analysis and Instrumentation
- Astronomy and Astrophysics: Observational Astronomy, Extragalactic Astronomy, Active Galactic Nuclei, Star Formation, Galaxy Evolution, Exoplanets, Solar Physics, Multi-wavelength Study and Instrumentation
Achievements, Certifications and Awards
Best Student Award Issued by 16th iCACGP Symposium & 18th IGAC 2024 Science Conference (Sep 2024).
Data-Driven Astronomy (Coursera Course) Offered By The University of Sydney - Python Programming, Machine Learning, Applied Machine Learning, SQL, 2020
M.Phil. PET (Pune University Entrance Test) Conducted by Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, 2019
Best Post-Graduate Research Project Award Awarded by the Dept. of Physics, Modern College, Pune. for the paper entitled: “The Relation between Star Formation and AGN Activity in Early-Type Galaxy Groups”, 2018
Volunteer at Giant Meterwave Radio Telescope (GMRT) Presented a research poster entitled “Gravitational Waves” and “Active Galactic Nuclei” on the Science Day Exhibition organized by Giant Meter-wave Radio Telescope (GMRT), Khodad, Pune, 2017
Volunteer at Frontiers of Physics Participated in the three-day National Level Seminar “Frontiers of Physics (volume VI-2013 and VII-2014)” organized by Astro club, Dept. of Physics, Fergusson College in collaboration with IUCAA, Pune, 2014
Volunteer at Comet-Ison Participated in a two-day national-level exhibition on “Comet-Ison” organized by Astro club, Dept. of Physics, Fergusson College, 2013