Passionate Environmentalist dedicated to estimating and assessing the environmental impact of air pollutants
Proficient at analyzing pollutants trends and developing inferences for future predictions
Scientific Careers
Project Associate, Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune (India)
Nov, 2021 - Present
- Presently, studying and analyzing the fire activities through the MODIS data and focusing on the open crop residue burning in the north-western states of India
Project Associate, Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune (India)
Aug, 2019 – Nov, 2021
- Participated in numerous extensive field surveys in the Pune city under the supervision of an experienced group of scientists, participated and coordinated in Emission Inventory campaign 2019
- Worked on PM data characterization and Ozone Chemistry with respect to various other primary pollutants, such as Methane, NOX and Particulate matters PM2.5 and PM10. I have also worked on the effect of lockdowns imposed on the pollutants data from MAPAN
- Also worked on the analysis of diurnal, seasonal and annual variations of major pollutants over Bhopal and Gorakhpur regions
- Assisted in data compilation and documentation of research articles -
(I) Trend analysis and characterization of air pollutants for cities of Bhopal and Gorakhpur to infer the role of atmospheric chemistry and meteorological parameters
(II) Possible linkages between the monsoonal variations and the spread of Covid-19
Field work experience
- Took part in various field surveys as part of the Pune Emission Inventory campaign 2019 - Aug to Oct 2019
- Advanced Earth and Environmental Science Field Work in and around the regions of Bhadrachalam, Andhra Pradesh - Jan 2018
- Basic Earth and Environmental Science Field Work in and around the regions of Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh - Feb 2017
Instrument handling
- Low volume Air Sampler
- Microwave Digestion System
- Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (AAS)
- UV Spectrophotometer
Academic Records
Integrated BS-MS (Dual degree), Environmental Science, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Bhopal
MS Thesis: Geochemistry of Mahakoshal group of rocks in and around the regions of Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh
Department of Earth and Environmental Science, IISER Bhopal
- MS-Office Suite
- SigmaPlot
- Origin
- CorelDraw
- MATLAB (Basics)
- WRF and WRF-Chem
- ThermoCalc
Research Papers submitted for Publication
- On Transition of Lead Pollutant and O3 Production Regime during Covid-19 Lockdowns
- Rupal Ambulkar , Gaurav Govardhan, Srujan Gavhale, Gayatry Kalita, Chaitanya Pande, Rajmal Jat, Santosh Kulkarni, Manoj Khare, S.D. Attri and Sachin D. Ghude
Crop residue burning in north-western India: Emission estimation and Uncertainty quantification
- Cynthia H. Whaley, Tim Butler, Jose A. Adame, Rupal Ambulkar , Stephen R. Arnold, Rebecca R. Buchholz, Benjamin Gaubert, Douglas S. Hamilton, Min Huang, Hayley Hung, Johannes W. Kaiser, Jacek W. Kaminski, Christoph Knote, Gerbrand Koren, Jean-Luc Kouassi, Meiyun Lin, Tianjia Liu, Jianmin Ma, Kasemsan Manomaiphiboon, Elisa Bergas Masso, Jessica L. McCarty, Mariano Mertens, Mark Parrington, Helene Peiro, Pallavi Saxena, Saurabh Sonwani, Vanisa Surapipith, Damaris Y. T. Tan, Wenfu Tang, Veerachai Tanpipat, Kostas Tsigaridis, Christine Wiedinmyer, Oliver Wild, Yuanyu Xie, and Paquita Zuidema HTAP3 Fires: Towards a multi-model, multi-pollutant study of fire impacts (2025)
- Rupal Ambulkar , Gaurav Govardhan, Srujan Gavhale, Gayatry Kalita, Chaitanya
Pande, Rajmal Jat, Santosh Kulkarni, Manoj Khare, S.D. Attri, Sachin D. Ghude Crop residue burning in north-western India: Emission estimation and Uncertainty quantification (2024)
- Gayatry Kalita, Prafull P. Yadav, Rajmal Jat, Gaurav Govardhan, Rupal Ambulkar , Rajesh Kumar, Preeti Gunwani, Sreyashi Debnath, Pratul Sharma, Santosh Kulkarni, Akshara Kaginalkar, and Sachin D. Ghude Forecasting of an unusual dust event over Western India by the Air Quality Early Warning System Atmospheric Environment (2023) [Link ]
- Sushrut Gaikwad; Bipin Kumar; Prafull P. Yadav; Rupal Ambulkar ; Gaurav Govardhan; Santosh Kulkarni; Rajesh Kumar; Dilip M. Chate; Narendra Nigam; Suryachandra A. Rao; Sachin Ghude "Prediction of fire-burning locations and emission of PM2.5 using Deep Learning based AI Model"
- Sushrut Gaikwad; Bipin Kumar; Prafull P. Yadav; Rupal Ambulkar ; Gaurav Govardhan; Santosh Kulkarni; Rajesh Kumar; Dilip M. Chate; Narendra Nigam; Suryachandra A. Rao; Sachin Ghude
Prediction of fire-burning locations and emission of PM2.5 using Deep Learning based AI Model (2023)
- Sushrut Gaikwad, Bipin Kumar, Prafull P.Yadav, Rupal Ambulkar , Gaurav Govardhan, Santosh Kulkarni, Rajesh Kumar , Sachin Ghude
Harnessing Deep Learning for Forecasting Fire-Burning Locations and Unveiling PM2.5 Emissions MESE Journal (2023)
- Gayatry Kalita , Prafull P. Yadav , Rajmal Jat , Gaurav Govardhan , Rupal Ambulkar ,Rajesh Kumar , Preeti Gunwani ,Sreyashi Debnath , Pratul Sharma , Santosh Kulkarni, Akshara Kaginalkar , Sachin D. Ghude Forecasting of an unusual dust event over western India by the Air Quality Early Warning System
Atmospheric Environment (2023) [Link ]
- Gaurav Govardhan, Rupal Ambulkar , Santosh Kulkarni, Ashok Vishnoi, Prafull
Yadav, Begum Abida Choudhury, Manoj Khare and Sachin D. Ghude Stubble-burning activities in north-western India in 2021: Contribution to air pollution in Delhi (2023)
- Gaurav Govardhan, Sachin D. Ghude, Rajesh Kumar, Sumit Sharma, Preeti Gunwani, Chinmay Jena, Prafull Yadav, Shubhangi Ingle, Sreyashi Debnath, Pooja Pawar, Prodip Acharja, Rajmal Jat, Gayatry Kalita, Rupal Ambulkar , Santosh Kulkarni, Akshara Kaginalkar, Vijay K Soni, Ravi S. Nanjundiah, and M. Rajeevan Decision Support System (v 1.0) for Air Quality Management in Delhi, India (2023)
- Sushrut Gaikwad
, Bipin Kumara,
, Prafull P. Yadav,
, Rupal Ambulkar
, Gourav Goverdhan
Santosh Kulkarni
, Rajesh Kumar
, Suryachandra A. Rao
and Sachin Ghude Prediction of fire-burning locations using Deep Learning based AI
Model (2023)
- Gaurav Govardhan, Rupal Ambulkar , Santosh Kulkarni, Ashok Vishnoi, Prafull Yadav, B Abida Choudhury, Manoj Khare, Sachin D. Ghude Satellite retrieved stubble-burning activities in north-western India in 2021: Contribution to air pollution in Delhi (2022)
- Latha R, Shahana Bano, Dolly More, Rupal Ambulkar , Trina Mondal, Priyadarshi Maurya and BS Murthy On the transition of major pollutant and O3 production regime during Covid-19 lockdowns (2022) [Link ]
Research Interest
Air quality monitoring and characterization
Emission Inventory and source apportionment
Atmospheric Chemistry and modelling
Environmental health and risk assessment
Documented the Report of International Workshop on Fires in South Asia for the iLEAPS Newsletter – Jan 2022
Participated and Coordinated in International Workshop on Fires in South Asia: Current status and future challenges in monitoring, modeling, predictions and mitigation - Dec 2021
Awarded National Fellowship by UGC - Nov 2020
Qualified UGC-NET 2020 in Environmental Science - Nov 2020
Presented and assisted the Emission Inventory Proceedings with Dr. Utkarsh Mukkannawar during 14th RAC meeting at IITM Pune - Feb 2020
Received Certificate of Appreciation for supervising Emission Inventory Campaign 2019 for Pune Metropolitan Region organized as a part of SAFAR-Pune - Jan 2020
Coordinated in comprehensive school flag awareness programme on air quality for Pune city to educate students about the adverse health impacts of air pollution – Sep 2019
Assisted in organizing various competitions for school students regarding awareness of Ozone layer depletion and its protection – Sep 2019
Received the INSPIRE Scholarship from DST, Govt. of India - 2014 to 2019
Volunteer for Inter-IISER Sports Meet (IISM) held at IISER Bhopal – Dec 2015
Attended 102nd Indian Science Congress (ISC) held at University of Mumbai, India - 3 to 7 Jan 2015