Area Of Expertise
- Aerosol studies
- Trace gas measurement
- Guest Faculty, 2014 -2016,University of Hyderabad, M.Sc Elective course 'Atmospheric Chemistry'.
- Guest Faculty, 2019-2020, Pune University, Department of Environmental Science, Elective course ‘Atmospheric pollution’
- Adjunct Associate Professor, 2014-2015, Pune University, Department of atmospheric & space physics, Elective course ‘Atmospheric Chemistry and Air Pollution’.
- Guest Faculty, 2016-2021, Pune University, Department of Environmental Science, Elective course ‘Atmospheric pollution’
Major Research Contribution
Scientific project lead/co-lead
- Lead MoES Air Quality Early Warning System (AQEWS): Development of a chemical data assimilation system for air quality forecast relevant to Delhi and its environs in collaboration with NCAR under the MoES-UCAR partnership (2019-2024) [Link ]
- Lead MoES Winter Fog Experiment (WiFEX) Delhi 2015-2024: WIFEX field campaign conduced at IGI airport from 2015 – 2024 to understand the genesis of fog formation and develop an accurate predication system fog for IGI Airport and northern region of India [Link ]
- Partner in Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MietY) sponsored CDAC consortia project Urban Modelling: Development of multi-sectorial simulation lab and science based decision support framework to address urban environment issues under National Supercomputing Mission (NSM), and Lead for Urban Air quality (2019-2024).
- Co-Investigator in MoES sponsored project ‘Realtime Ambient Source Apportionment of Gases and Aerosol for Mitigation (RASAGAM)’ to to ISSER, Mohali (2020-2025).
- International PI in NASA funded project Enhancing Air Quality Decision-Making Activity in Indian Megacities through Assimilation of NASA Earth Observations and Development of a Decision Support System (2022-2025).
- Automotive Research Association of India (ARAI) project Chemical Transport Modelling (CTM) for Surface Ozone Production over Delhi-NCR, India: Phase 1 and 2 (2023-2024).
- Commission of Air Quality Management in National Capital Region and Adjoining Areas (CAQM) Project Decision support system for Air Quality Managementin Delhi and its Bordering Districts in the NCR (2023-2025).
- International PI in NASA funded project International partnerships for accelerating climate-ready, sustainable, and clean urban transportation (2022-2025).
- Co-Investigator NERC- South Asia Nitrogen Hub (SANA) project through Global Challenges Research Fund Inter-comparison campaign of Ammonia measurements over Delhi and Chemical Transport Modelling (CTM) for Ammonia over South East Asia using both baseline and Ammonia emissions scenarios (2020-2025).
- Lead WP2.5 Fog prediction (India side) in Weather and Climate Science for Service Partnership (WCSSP) Newton Bhaba Fund sponsored joint project between MoES, India and MET Office, UK (2019-2022).
- Co-Lead SAFAR: Implementation of MoES Project on System for Air quality monitoring and forecasting Network for Commonwealth Games 2010, New Delhi. by setting dense network of (10 sets) and setup whether and chemical forecasting model for NCR region
- Co-Lead Measurement of Greenhouse gases at India Research Base In Antarctica 2002-2005: Participated as a Winter Member of 21st Indian Scientific Antarctica Expedition (Jan 2002-April 2003, 15 Months) and Summer Member of 23rd Indian Scientific Antarctica Expedition (Dec 2003-April 2004, 4 Months).
- Lead from India “Urban sustainability solutions to mitigate climate change for exponentially growing population in New Delhi” in collaboration with university of Notre Dame (2016-2017)
- Lead from India Task Force for Hemispheric Transport of Air Pollution (HTAP) phase -2 Multi-models coordinate experiment [Link ]. Contributed global simulations for 2010 for bases case and 20% perturbation in anthropogenic scenarios in HTAP data server.
- Scientific Member of Indian Scientific Expedition to Antarcticaand set-up laboratory for measurement of greenhouse gases at Maitri, Antarctica during Winter (Jan 02-Apl 03).
- Scientific Member of Indian Scientific Expedition to Antarcticaand set-up laboratory for measurement of greenhouse gases at Maitri, Antarctica during Summer (Dec 03-Apl 04).
- Participated in the 15 days campaigns for the monitoring total ozone, water vapour, Aerosol etc, during the biomass burning in the northern part of India.
- Participated in the ISRO-GBP LC-2 campaign Dec. 1-31, 2004 at NPL, New Delhi.
- Participated in field campaign for observations of trace gases (NOx, CO and O3). The field observations were carried out from the period 2007-208 at Sugar-Factory and clean dam side and urban place Pune.
International /National Collaboration
- National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), Boulder, Colorado, USA
- United State Environmental Protection Agency (US-EPA), USA
- The Scripps Institution of Oceanography San Diego, California, USA.
- Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI), De Bilt, Netherlands
- European Space Agency (ESA), Frisacti, Rome, Italy.
- Geophysics Centre of Evora (CGE), University of Evora, Evora, Portugal
- Image Environnent Laboratory, CNRS, Strasbourg, France.
- National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi
Editor Journal
- Lead Guest Editor for Special issue on ‘Air Pollution, Air Quality, and Climate Change’ of Advances in Meteorology [Link ]
Workshop Conducted/Chaired
- International Workshop on Fires in South Asia: Current status and future challenges in monitoring, modeling, predictions and mitigation 3 December 2021 – 4 December 2021(iLEAPS, IGAC, MAP-AQ).
- Chair a session on Air Quality: Indo-Gangetic Plain region in India SDG 2030 INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP on Air Quality as a driver for Sustainable Development 10-11 October 2022.
- iLEAPS Lite Conference 2022, Nitrogen Exchange in the Atmosphere online on 7th June 2022.
- Conducted International workshop on Chemistry Climate Interaction (IWCCI-2019), Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune, 12-15 March 2019.
- Chaired iLEAPS (Integrated Land Ecosystem-Atmosphere Processes Studies) lite web conference: Land Atmosphere Interactions and Impacts on Climate, Air Quality and Ecosystems over South Asia, 16 March, 2021.
- Principle Coordinator, Clean Air, India International Science Festival 2020 (IIFS-2020) Organized by Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) during 22-25 December, 2020.
- Lead Coordinator, Atmospheric Chemistry (Session AO4), Vaishwik Bharatiya Vaigyanik Summit (VAIBHAV) Summit, Government of India, 2-30 October 2020.
Involvements in Project
- 2008-2009, Co-investigator, “Behaviors of ozone and its precursors in the marine and polar boundary layer” (InSEA Expedition 2008-09).
- 2008-2012, Involved in the Indo-Italian project “Regional atmospheric environment and intercontinental transport of pollutants”
Reviewer for the Journals
- Journal of Geophysical Research
- Atmospheric Environment
- Atmosphere Research
- Indian Journal of radio and Space Physics
- Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry
- Journal of Environmental Management
- Member VIJNANA BHARATI (Id#7368)
- 2012 - Member American Geophysical Union (AGU)
- 2020 - Member European Geophysical Union (EGU)
- 2010 - Life member Meteorological Society of India (IMS)
- 2004 - Life member of Indian Aerosol Science and Technology Association (IASTA).
Field program participation
- SAFAR (System for Air Quality research) for Commonwealth Games 2010, New Delhi
- On deputation to Antarctica on behalf of National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi as a Winter Member of 21st Indian Scientific Antarctica Expedition (Jan 2002-April 2003).
- Participated in the 15 days campaigns for the monitoring total ozone, water vapour, Aerosol etc, during the biomass burning in the northern part of India.
- On deputation to Antarctica on behalf of National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi as a Summer Member of 23rd Indian Scientific Antarctica Expedition (Dec 2003-April 2004).
- Participated in the ISRO-GBP LC-2 campaign Dec. 1-31, 2004 at NPL, New Delhi.
- Participated in field campaign for observations of trace gases (NOx, CO and O3). The field observations were carried out from the period Feb 5-15, 2007 at Sugar-Factory and clean dam side and urban place Pune.
- Participated in field campaign for observations of trace gases (NOx, CO and O3). The field observations were carried out from the period Feb 11-21, 2008 at Sugar-Factory and clean dam side and urban place Pune.
Invited Scientific Participation
Invited Scientific Participation
- Air qulity forecasting and decision support system: health and economic benefits, Annual Monsoon Workshop-2022 and National Symposium on Challenges in climate services for health sector in the warming environment, 28th-30th March 2023 at IITM Pune.
- Development of a high-resolution (400 m) operational air quality early warning system for Delhi, India through integrated chemical data assimilation EGU-2020 general assembly, 5 May, 2020.
- Thermo-dynamical, Microphysical and Chemical, Properties of Fog in Megacity Delhi: Results from WIFEX 2015-18, International Conference on Fog, Fog Collection and Dew, 14-19 July, 2019, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Aerosol-Fog interaction International conference on water Future Earth, 24-27 September, 2019, Bengaluru, India.
- Improvement in short-term PM2.5 forecast with chemical data assimilation, Resolving Complexities for Predictable Tomorrow: Workshop on Environmental Modeling, 7-8 August, 2019, Nagpur, India.
- The association of atmospheric chemistry on weather and climate in South Asia’ at Atmospheric Chemistry & Climate/Weather session in the International Commission on Atmospheric Chemistry and Global Pollution (iCACGP) and the International Global Atmospheric Chemistry (IGAC) 14th Quadrennial iCACGP Symposiu/15th IGAC Science Conference in Takamatsu Japan from September 25-29 2018.
- Observations and Modeling of Atmospheric Chemistry and Aerosols in the Asian Monsoon region Workshop on Atmospheric Composition and the Asian Monsoon (ACAM) and training school at Jinan University Guangzho China 10-12 June right after the ACAM meeting in 11-12 June 2017.
- ‘Winter fog experiment in India’ and participate in workshop and Science-Policy Dialogue on Air Pollution Climate and Health in South Asia and the Hindu Kush Himalaya taking place at ICIMOD Headquarters in Kathmandu Nepal on 27-30 November 2017
- Invited for giving session talk under the ACAM ‘Theme 1: Emissions and air quality in the Asian monsoon region’ ACAM Workshop 5-9 June 2017 in Guangzhou China.
- Invited to be a Member Scientific Steering Committee for International workshop on Applications of Atmospheric Modeling; Air pollution Impact research in South Asia” to be organized in April 2018 in Kathmandu.
- Conveners: Ritesh Gautam (EDF USA) Sachin Ghude (IITM India) Arnioc Pandey (ICIMOD) Rajesh Kumar (NCAR) AS15: Aerosols and Air Quality over South Asia and the Hindu Kush-Himalaya: AGU Fall meeting Meeting (December 10-14 2018) USA)
- Conveners: Pawan Gupta (USRA/GSFC) Robert Levy (GSFC) Jhoon Kim (Yonsei Univ. South Korea) Sachin Ghude (IITM India) and Lok Lamsal (USRA/GSFC) AS15: Satellite Remote Sensing Methods and Data Applications for Air Quality Monitoring and Research in Asia: Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) Annual Meeting (August 6-11 2017 Singapore)
- Invited to attend the scientific meeting on “Air Quality in a Changing World” of the task force on hemispheric transport of air pollution (TF-HTAP) 3-6th April 2017 Research Triangle Park North Carolina USA and deliver a talk on ‘South Asia source receptor relationship in HTAP-v2 experiments’.
- Invited to attend the scientific meeting on “Second International Conference on Oceanography of the Bay of Bengal With Emphasis on Monsoon Intra-seasonal Oscillations (ICO-BOB 2) and deliver a talk on ‘Winter fog experiment in India’
- Invited to attend meeting and talk on ‘Urban Climate and Air Pollution/Health’ at DST's National Workshop on "Urban Climate: Science Impacts and Adaptation" to be held at IIT Bhubaneswar during 21-22nd September 2017.
- Invited to Attend meeting and talk the performance of Various Fog monitoring and forecasting products available from satellite special campaign or NWP based model using last season and scope of adding new fog products in case planned at real time from your centre for coming season” DGM Conference hall on 27th November 2017.
- Attended meeting and Invited Talk: Impact of air pollution on Agricultura Air pollution in India: A Problem with Scalable Solutions TERI New Delhi 5-6 October 2016.
- Invited Talk: Micro physics of Fog & results of Fog Campaign -2018 Meteorological Training Institute 10th March 2017.
- Invited Talk: Remote sensing of air pollution Department of Environmental Science Pune University Pune on July 6 2017.
- Invited to attend the GCRF proposal planning meeting for South Asia Nitrogen hub on 6-7 March 2018 at PUSA IARI New Delhi
- Invited Talk: Winter fog experiment (WIFEX) over IGP. Indo – Dutch International conference in Climate and Atmospheric Sciences & Applications” organized at IIT Delhi during 20-21 February 2017.
Invited Talks
- Air qulity forecasting and decision support system: health and economic benefits, Annual Monsoon Workshop-2022 and National Symposium on Challenges in climate services for health sector in the warming environment, 28th-30th March 2023 at IITM Pune.
- Development of a high-resolution (400 m) operational air quality early warning system for Delhi, India through integrated chemical data assimilation EGU-2020 general assembly, 5 May, 2020.
- Thermo-dynamical, Microphysical and Chemical, Properties of Fog in Megacity Delhi: Results from WIFEX 2015-18, International Conference on Fog, Fog Collection and Dew, 14-19 July, 2019, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Micro physics of Fog & results of Fog Campaign -2017 Meteorological Training Institute 10th March 2017.
- ‘Top-down NOx emission inventory for India and comparison with other regional emission inventories’ Centre for Environmental Science and Engg. (CESE) at IITB 23 January 2015.
- Introduction to Satellite data and air pollution modelling’ Quaternary Geology and Climate Change work shop at Pune University during 6th to 19th January 2014.
- Winter Fog Field Campaign Planning Meeting taking place at the headquarters of the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) Nepal on 11 – 13 December 2014.
- Round table discussion ‘Nexus between Air Pollution Climate Change and India¹s Food security’ 28 November 2014 TERI University New Delhi.
- Air Pollution In India’ Workshop on Air Pollution at Civil Engineering Department UVCE Bangalore during 24-27 October 2013.
- “Regional Pollution in India ” National Center for Atmospheric Research Boulder CO USA during 18-22 October 2011
- “Mapping NOx emission from India using space based observations” GlobEmissions User Consultation Workshop 25 – 27 July 2009 Frascati Italy.
- “Air pollution from global to local scale observed from the space” workshop on monsoon at Mainz Germany May 28-31 2008.
- “Detection of NO2 emission hotspots trend and seasonal variation over India using satellite data” at TEMIS user workshop held at Frisacti Rome Italy on 8-9 October 2007.
- “Measurement of SPM and SO2 at Sugar Factory Rural Background (Dam) Site and Semi-urban Site (Pune)” IASTA-2007 NPL New Delhi India.
- “Tropospheric ozone and precursor gases over Indian subcontinent observed from the space” ACCINT-2007 PRL India.
- Workshop on “Asian Ozone Pollution in Eurasian Perspective (sponsored by Asia Pacific Network) at NPL New Delhi on October 30 2006.
- Delivered Talk on “Expeditions to Antarctica” at National Physical Laboratory April 06 2005.
- Attended IASTA Meeting and International Conference on Aerosol Coluds and Indian Monsoon at IIT Kanpur held at Kanpur on November 15-17 2004.
- Delivered Talk on “Fifteen months of Scientific Stay in Antarctica” at Department of Electronics and Computer Science Nagpur University Nagpur (July 2003).
- Attended fifteen days “Snow acclimatization and mountaineering ITBP training program” at Auli Badrinath arraigned by NCAOR/DOD (Aug 2001).
International Collaboration
- Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI), Netherlands.
- European Space Agency (ESA), Friscati Italy
- CNRS, Laboratory Image Ville Environment, France